Increase Lure Vibration & Line Sensitivity at the Same Time!
Feel Strikes Quicker & Catch Fish Easy
It Just Works. See For Yourself!
Ordered your product a couple of years ago, kept forgetting to use it when i went fishing. Well… I went fishing on a trout pond, I was not prepared!!! I slayed the pond (over 30 lbs. of Trout caught)!! Had to come back and order another set. NEVER WILL I FISH WITHOUT THIS AGAIN!!! Thank you for your quality product and time, God bless.
Shawn A.
Belmont, North Carolina

LineDancer is the #1 fishing tool to add to your collection of things that work!
Big Sale on 3 Piece Sets – Order Now

LineDancer comes in individual package & sizing for that special gift.
For Spinning Rods & Reels

Real Reviews from around the world!
“I have never seen such a plain and simple rod attachment change the action of a lure so much. I LOVE IT!
I let my partner try it when we were prefishing new water and he tried to put it in his pocket. Using identical lures and fishing the same water, the LineDancer caught four fish to each fish caught without it. Jigs, weight-forward lures, casting cranks – It’s beautiful! I want one for each of my rods!” George S.
Walleye Buster Tournament Team. Read More..